Published on September 14, 2020

When you ask someone this question, it’s almost palpable that you will get “they build things” as an answer. But wait, is it so simple? Do these three words justify what a civil engineer does??
I feel no, they don’t. But don’t worry, I am going to explain it to you right there right now. One thing that I can agree with you all is yes, we build. But it’s not just structures and buildings every time. So here are some things that we build.
We build houses and apartments, but that’s not it, we are building a community within these apartments and townships. People in them get connected they celebrate every festival amongst these townships, they are always ready to help out each other, everyone becomes so dependable yet independent in there own way.
We build roads, bridges, ports, and airports, but wait, let me show you the real picture behind. We don’t just build these massive structures for nothing. We build them so that all of you can easily reach out to your loved ones within hours. We provide you the portals to enjoy and relax when you want to go on vacation with your families.
Why do we build dams, reservoirs, treatment plants, and other water structures you ask… We build them so that everyone’s need for getting crystal clear water to drink is fulfilled. We build them so that our agriculture sector can thrive and make a revenue for our people. We build dams to conserve and convert the power of electricity so that this whole world can rise and shine bright like a diamond in the nights.
We are civil-environmental engineers who take care of the water you drink, land you use, and the air you breathe. We make sure that everything around you is perfect for you to excel well and stay healthy at the same time. We try to build an environment that is most suitable and most beneficial to all of you by designing water distribution systems, by designing air pollution-reducing devices, we try to recycle every ounce of waste material produced by giving you sewage treatment plants, anaerobic digesters, landfills, oxidation ponds and so much more.
Don’t you think that this is all that we do? Lastly, I would say that some of us help future generations be like us, go one step ahead of us, and conquer the challenges that might present themselves in front of you in the future. Those people are what we call our college professors.
I think I might have left a few things out…So I call to the civil engineering hidden somewhere inside your heads and hearts can you think of more things that we can do? I sure you will come up with something. That’s how it all works. We dream of something, then we work on our dreams so that everyone’s dreams can be fulfilled in one way or another.
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Posted in : Admissions, Civil Engineering, Engineering

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